Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Back Together Again!

Yes! It's been a long time since I've updated our blog and I'm going to try to do better!!

There have been many wonderful and amazing things over these past months, but I'll just hit the high-lights!!

It all started when James turned 15 and got his learner's permit---needless to say the gray hairs are sprouting like weeds! The Bountiful High Lacrosse Team were back to back State Champs and Christian was in the words of the Deseret News article "a man possessed"! Mikey finished all of his requirements for his Eagle and was able to get his driver's license! Christian graduated from Seminary and High School and received his mission call to Recife, Brazil! (We LOVE Brazil!!) And last, but certainly not least, Josh returned home with honor from Goiania, Brazil!! The Monday after Josh got home, we headed to Nauvoo and had an amazing trip! We were able to be in the Temple every day that we were there, and Christian went through the temple for the first time in the Nauvoo Temple! We're half-way through the Summer, and it has been an absolute blast because we are all back together again!